Local Storage

Local Storage ===J.O.B===/HTML 2012. 3. 22. 16:24



localStorage.setItem("name", "Hello World!"); //saves to the database, key/value
document.write(localStorage.getItem("name")); //Hello World!
localStorage.removeItem("name"); //deletes the matching item from the database


if (typeof(localStorage) == 'undefined' ) {
alert('Your browser does not support HTML5 localStorage. Try upgrading.');
} else {
try {
localStorage.setItem("name", "Hello World!"); //saves to the database, "key", "value"
} catch (e) {
alert('Quota exceeded!'); //data wasn't successfully saved due to quota exceed so throw an error
document.write(localStorage.getItem("name")); //Hello World!
localStorage.removeItem("name"); //deletes the matching item from the database


var car = {};
car.wheels = 4;
car.doors = 2;
car.sound = 'vroom';
car.name = 'Lightning McQueen';
console.log( car );
localStorage.setItem( 'car', JSON.stringify(car) ); 
console.log( JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( 'car' ) ) ); 

'===J.O.B=== > HTML' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 샤가No01
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